Make your vote count in the local elections on October 13, 2024
25 Februari 2024

“People of more than 100 different nationalities live in Overijse, and we want to be able to represent all of them. That’s why we encourage all non-Belgians to register to vote before 31 July.” – Bruno Eugene
Did you know that every non-Belgian resident of Overijse of least 18 years of age has the right to participate in the local elections, whether you are non-Belgian from the EU or outside the EU? If you come from outside the EU, you must have been registered as living in Belgium for at least 5 years.
To be able to vote in the local elections non-Belgians must register on the electoral list by 31 July 2024 at the latest. You can register online or by appointment at the Civil Affairs department (Burgerzaken) at the Overijse town hall.
Please note that registration for the local elections in Flanders gives you the right to vote, but not an obligation. Such a registration is not definitive and can always be cancelled. A registration for the local elections usually does not change your right to vote in your country of origin.
Click here if you want to know all about the 2024 elections in Belgium (EN/NL/FR/DE).
Do you want to support Groen Overijse in the coming electoral campaign? Or just stay informed about our plans and activities? Do not hesitate to contact our local president [email protected] or to click here.